HD Ingame screenshots?

So I really have wanted to take some "Not watered down" screenshots in games like assassins creed 4 and steam is really bad at this, i've also tried Fraps and dont say print screen because the game is in full screen mode and it cant capture that. So any software that can just capture WHATS THERE and nothing less?

Try Greenshot. It's even Open Source.


What was wrong with Fraps?  It's BMP or PNG screenshot setting should produce what you are looking for?  I've never noticed any degradation or artifacts using it.

In fraps the color isn't very accurate and it looks like the resolution is sort of lowered to 720p

Don't know.  Seems to work fine for me?  I just took these a minute ago (vanilla Skyrim):

And it looks pretty much like what I see when I'm playing, you know, minus the motion. (right-click, copy image location, paste in browser to see the full size).  I even took a screenshot in Fraps, alt-tabbed out of the game, brought up the image in my second monitor and then compared it with the game and it looked spot on.

Not sure what to tell ya.

Nice armor xD but here's an assassins creed 4 screenshot i took i have everything maxed out with 8x msaa and 1080p but its way smaller not sure why.

Thanks : )  Took me a while to get.

Anyway, I'm not sure what's going on there?  That's the size that's coming out of Fraps?  It's not just being sized down when you upload it to facebook?  I don't see any settings to make Fraps save a lower res image when taking screenshots (at least not in the version I have, perhaps something new?), so I'm not sure how that's happening if you're playing at 1080.  Have you tried it in other games?  Same result?

Yup tried it on deadpool and even minecraft and same result


Then I'm not sure what the deal is.  It should take screenshots at the resolution you are playing at.  You could try something like Bandicam.  See if it works any better.

MSI Afterburner can make screenshot in the proper resolution and uses BMP iirc. Don't worry, you don't need an MSI card to use it. I just use that as I have it anyways for overclocking and monitoring...


edit: Actually you can choose between BMP, PNG, and JPG, and there is a quality slider from 25% to 100%. If you put it on BMP and 100% you should get a fullres screenshot that is accurate. Imagehosts might not like the filesizes though.

Cool I didn't know Afterburner had a screenshot function