HD and SSD question

Alright guys I recently just purchased and OCZ 120GB SSD. My plan was to format my computer and put my OS and other things on the SSD and use my 1tb HD for all of my media. I have formatted my drive and put the OS on my SSD and it boots up fine but it doesnt recognize my HD in the windows 7 interface. When I boot up the BIOS it does though in fact recognize that there is a drive there. the motherboard that I have is the Biostar TZ77XE4, if its possible that there is a problem with my mother board. As always thanks for the help.

It may actually be a problem in the bios I do believe, in some cases you have to manually redesignate what each sata port is as I was told from a friend, best of luck though.

Start > Right-click Computer > Manage > Disk Management. If you can see the drive in disk management you may need to format the drive.

thames: you're suggesting he format the hard drive he is currently using for his os?

Hey, mine did this too when I first built my computer - I believe I just fiddled around with the BIOS and it worked.

djblackskull: I am suggesting he may need to format his HDD.