So I have been trying to play watchdogs on my PC but I think there is a problem with the game and the HD6990.
The game will start, but then when it gets to the loading screen that says the game saves automatically it will just freeze. Its not a resolution problem, the game tries to start in 720p. It's not drivers as I have installed new ones since I started trying. And it is not the game files as I have verified them with Uplay.
Does anyone have some good ideas?
Is this a known problem or just for me.
I found an article on Ubisoft forums about it.
Watchdogs is broken and DOES NOT work with HD 6990 at this stage.
That's sucks man, try and get your money back at least...
Can't even, got the game with a GTX 760 that I don't have access to :(
Might be time to think about getting a new card. But I just can't justify anything that will run at 1440p better than my 6990. :(
Oh well its just one game.
It isn't terribly impressive anyway. Don't feel bad, it's Nvidia's fault anyway.
i got watch dogs with my 760. and it runs fin.