Hd 4850 and 70 vs gtx 260 80 price to performace


[MeGotRice Edit]

Just to be on the fair side, Nvidia is still good =]

lol, i have always been a big nvidia fan, but this time around, ati relly hit the market with awesome time/price/performance.


ATI owns.

you can get two 4870 for about $20 less than a gtx280 and totally destroy it.


yeah ive been lookin at some benchmarks and there really amazing!!!!!


I've always been very partial to nvidia, but ATis new cards are kick ass. ATi wins price/performance at the time being...

ATi seems pretty good..Kind of hard to decide though..>.<

I haven't been this excited about ati since the 9800 pro. I should be getting my 4870 xoc soon (when funds become available) and can't wait to see how far I can push it.