<form action="&" name=temp>
enter Celsius
<input type=text name="cels" size="3">
<input type=button value="convert to Fahrenheit"
onclick="document.temp.fahre.value = document.temp.cels.value"
+ "degrees Celsius" + "\n" + "is" + ((parseInt("document.temp.cels.value")* 9 / 5) + 32) + "degrees Fahrenheit">
<textarea name=fahre cels= 30 rows= 2 disabled>
I can't get the formula working, all it does is prints the number
You really shouldn't be putting JS code directly in the tag's onclick
attribute. It's not 1999 anymore.
As for your "problem", did you look in the console of developer tools? If you use " to wrap the tag's attribute you can not use it directly in the value. You have to either use ' (single quotes) or \" (escape them)
Basically, what browser sees is
<input type="button" value="convert to Fahrenheit"
onclick="document.temp.fahre.value = document.temp.cels.value"
---some random crap---
Oh .. and please write <textarea name="fahre" cels="30" rows="2" disabled>
.. I think you probably should learn some HTML too.