I was going to buy a HD4850 from newegg to replace my current 8800gt. But now Im thinking i should save up the money for a HD4870. not sure if i just buy it now or wait for the price to come down. $250 after rebates... any suggestions on what action i should take?
buy the 70
When do you think you'll be able to afford the 4870? I mean, pretty soon it won't be worth getting it and waiting till next gen really. 8800GT still does good enough for now IMO.
im with dewality, give it a few months. there are not really any seriously demanding games that your 8800gt wont be able to handle just fine till then
i like my 8800gt but i want a 9800 gx2, but i like my 8800 gt lol
i was thinking what i could do is buy a hd4870 sometime next week and wait til december for prices to drop and buy the 4870x2 for crossfire.
if you can afford that, that's good. The 4870 is 512mb right? And the X2 is 1GB per GPU, for some reason id want a 1GB 4870 to keep things symmetrical lol, but that's just me xD
if you can afford that, that's good. The 4870 is 512mb right? And the X2 is 1GB per GPU, for some reason id want a 1GB 4870 to keep things symmetrical lol, but that's just me xD
the new x2 are better if you have a 24+ in. monitor. I don't know the real reason why. I just know the more gddr memory you have in a gpu, the better off it is viewed by a big widescreen monitor.
Yeah, that about some it up. Performance gain by having more GDDR memory at small resolutions is minimal at best.
i say give up on video cards.
the 4870 isnt that pricy
PCI-Express,HDMI $315
pritty cheap
u should try to w8 a bit longer that way u can save more money n maybe get the 4850 x2
ya i thought about it and prices are probably going to go down in the near future. im actually going to buy a soundcard since im using onboard right now, and probably a new set of speakers. im thinking the logitech g51 and creative xtreme-gamer. since i dont think speaker prices and soundcard prices will diminish anytime soon
also could anyone recommend any headsets? i have no experience with headsets and have no idea which one to get.
Cyber Snipa Sonar 5.1