Having mouse (or OS) issues

Having some issues with my mouse and I really don’t think it’s the mouse fault.
While I do something, seemingly at random, the mouse doesn’t quite stop working, but the buttons do. The LMB does nothing. The RMB kinda works when I hold it up, so… Yeah…
I took my hated Cooler Master devastator mouse, I despise that mouse, and it have the same issues. At random time the buttons kinda stop working. The LMB does nothing most of the times, but sometimes it works, while the right one is weird as hell.
I don’t really know where to start with that.
I used to have the mouse plugged into an USB extention cable, so I can use the mouse on my bed. I was thinking it’s a cable issue, so I plugged the mouse directly to the motherboard. 15 minutes later - the same issue.
Help please.
PS: Win 10, I don’t really know if the hardware is important, but…

Have you tried plugging it into different USB ports? And have you restarted/reinstalled the USB driver?

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It’s not an USB port issue. Front panel, back panel - the same. After a restart - it’s all fine for now.
I haven’t touched the drivers, but I doubt that. The keyboard is working just fine.

Dont know if you have ever had those clickers die but their death behavior is doubleclicking & not working

I mean I had that idea in my head, so I switched to the awful CM Devastator mouse. But then 2 of them in the same day? I mean it’s fine after a restart for a while. Today it haven’t yet bugged out.

Well then restart your computer more often and we can consider it solved :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: