Having and or bricking Android phone

To be clear I’m only asking for educational purposes.
But let’s say I have this Android phone I’d like to brick, I’m able to have physical access to this phone but cannot connect it to another computer but can use my rooted Android phone (OTG Possibly) so my question is how do I go about bricking it or making the phone useless in that situation? Sorry if I’m not real clear.

Open it up and slice up the internal motherboard. Cut it in half or whatever floats your boat.

Heres a step by step guide.

  1. Get the phone and make sure its on and booted
  2. get a good place to work on it, solid table or something cause it takes a while to brick a phone
  3. get a brick
  4. hit the phone repeatedly with the brick

Congratulations, you have a bricked phone.

Alternative method. Look up a picture of the phone and print it out.
Once printed, stick it to the brick.

Congratulations you have a brick phone.

When choosing to brick a phone, results will vary depending on the type of phone.

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If you can connect phones via usb, you just need to rewrite Odin (phone flashing software) for android, restart the target phone forcefully, get into flashing mode, then use that software to brick the phone. No big deal lol.

Another idea. If the target phone is rooted you could do some linux magic on that phone to corrupt it. You would also probably need some specialized software on your phone to reach over through usb (with a big possibility to fail, i bet it has protection of some sort), since you can only have physical access. Well since you could not achieve reliability of that method might as well brick the phone literally as others have suggested.