Having a problem with windows install on Sony Viao

I am trying to reinstall Windows onto my sony laptop, and i have somehow managed to format the partiton. however when i try to use a bootloader through USB and CD i get stuck in the windows loading screen, my system shuts off and reboots. I am a bit of a Tek noob so i am not sure how to solve this issue

Does the laptop have USB 3.0?

Yes, it only uses USB 3.0, It does not have any USB 2.0 ports on it

Ok, Windows 7 or 8?

Win 7

Alright, just as an FYI, Windows 7 seems to have issues booting when anything is attached via USB 3.0.

Make sure all devices are disconnected and try to boot off the DVD you created.

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Thank you very much, it is currently installing. The issue i might have been having was with my mouse plugged in at the same time as the bootload.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

No Problem.