Have you heard of Lycoris Linux?

If any of you have heard of Lycoris Linux, maybe you are an old school Linux OS users. Lycoris/LX was one of five Linux's flavors that I first started to learn to use Linux on back in the day.

My first experiences with computers or computing came from going to school, and the use of the old Apple II or II E. Then my schooling in PC computers and Linux then later first started around 2000. When I first started getting heavily to PC computers.

I started with using both Cygwin, and then Lycoris, to start with. Then I moved to using Suse 7.0, and a version of Slackware, and then Redhat.



With Lycoris Desktop/LX (formerly Redmond Linux), its distribution was limited, and first was also sold on computers you could find online, and through Walmart, roughly around 2000 - 9/2004 but I an not exactly sure on the dates.

The distribution was meant to be a flavor of Linux so that a beginner level or home user come learn to use Linux OS. It then was later bought out by Mandriva Linux, formally Mandrake Linux, and they discontinued and stop production of Lycoris/LX at ver. 1.4.
It used a i586 architecture with gnome, kde,and the Xfce desktop for the GUI for the desktop which; depending in how it was setup; it made a very ease to use, and ease to look at desktop.

Call me an old school type, but I often wonder if the source code could be found, or if you had a copy if Lycoris, that it could be updated some how to a new Linux kernel, new programs and an up to date GUI for gnome, kde,and the Xfce desktop?

I have since restart to get back into using Linux full time, with using Xubuntu. I also have since found out I am very rusty in my skills, and have forgotten more than I should have about how to configure things.

I think however, it may be like riding a bike, and it will all come back to me after more practice. To the community here, I would like to know your thoughts, idea, and comments.
I have enclose what links I could find on the subject, and I am happy to hear any help or ideas you all might have.

Thank you,

I do have an update, I did find that I have a copy of Lycoris/LX in my stack of old software. I am going to build a system to play with it. Even if I have no way to update it. If I remember right, it had a package manager, that might let me at least update part of it. I will keep that community updated as I work on system build and see how well my experiment goes, ....

This was one of the best distros for it's install. Unlike a lot of OS installs, Lycoris was the only one I knew that gave you something to do when it was installing, though granted it was only solitaire but the fact remains, it gave you something to do.

Hi - would you share that iso with me? Feeling a bit nostalgic and want to install on a vm for old time's sake :)
Thanks in advance.

I was also wondering if you could share the update ISO. I already have 2 CDs with different builds of Desktop/LX (I think up to Update 2, maybe just the first update).

Joined Mar 18, '15
Last Post Mar 20, '15
Seen Mar 27, '15

I don't think he will ever respond ;)

Topic is allready more then a year old.
I suppose that OP allready has found the info he´s looking for.