Have to restart computer to get good frame rates

I have to restart my computer from time to time to get good fps. I do not know if it is windows 10 causing a memory leak or what.I have even disabled the dvr in reg.edit if that helps. But the problem still persist.

Check your gpu clockspeed.
My 280X sometimes wont go above 860Mhz after my pc went to sleep.
When i restart it goes to 1100 again without problem.
( gpu-z )

Don't know what gpu you have but the 10 series from Nvidia have some problems (again)

(if you can translate or read dutch: https://tweakers.net/nieuws/118001/probleem-met-nvidia-driver-zorgt-voor-slechte-prestaties-gtx-10-gpus.html )

I have a asus gtx 560 directcu ii it's a 1gb model. I plan on getting a 1080 soon. But this card is still able to play games that are current. I currently have it overclocked to 910mhz but could go to 1000 if I wish.

Oke but check your core clock and see if that's the issue

Sorry I took so long to respond. I am currently running oc guru 2 to overclock my graphics card. And I do not know yet if that has been the cause of doom not being able to launch. it's related. But I think it's more of a window's 10 than overclocking...... Oh shit just realized. I am not running the latest stable bios. I am currently on the previous one. But that is just for cpu performance. Could that be an issue? I am not overclocking my cpu at the moment. GA-Z97X-UD3H (rev. 1.2) This is all that i gain from the bios update. Better system compatibility for Intel® 5th Generation Core™ Processors. I am also running a Pentium g3258. I don't know I firmly believe that it is a windows 10 issue.