Have I missed something? Mac Master Race?!

This dude on twitter @Echoz28 is really insisting that a mac is better than a PC, in fact he says that a Mac is a PC according to the dictionary. But either I missed something, or apparently Im computer illiterate and Mac > PC (Windows). All he has is a macbook pro and he thinks its superior to anything else. All I was trying to do was get this guy hooked up with a razer blade pro. The whole conversation is @Echoz28. I want to know if im actually computer illiterate or what?


Heres the proper link: https://twitter.com/EthanVoon/status/459779433683902464

if you were computer illiterate, you wouldn't be capable of understanding how a computer works, however since you are on this forum I'm pretty sure you learned how a PC works, because the Tek Syndicate videos informative and Educational. overall these Mac versus PC threads are getting older than the knock knock joke. there is nothing wrong with using a Mac in fact there is very valid reasons for using one. however if one wishes to be incredibly Narcissistic and wants the world to know that his computer is better than anyone else. just ignore him and move on with your life. cause the Mac Versus PC war is getting incredibly old.

Yeah I hear ya, but the fact that he follows razer makes me assume that he's a gamer but, he hasn't build his own PC scares me. 

PS. Are you Kat from Frankie's videos?

No. I'm not from "Frankie's Videos"

well Just cause one follows a Pro-Gaming Manufacturer and has not built a PC doesn't mean this individual is a gamer. he may be but who are we to judge who is a gamer and who isn't. that individual probably games on that mac-book.

Technically he is right a mac is a PC its just cause of the way they have been marketed over the years that people distinguish between the two. Also thats a pretty closed minded statement im a gamer, I use windows. Like you've got to be kidding right. You've just made yourself look like an idiot on that post.

Hes is correct about a Mac being a PC, almost anything from a desktop's, cell phone's to a game console are technicality a Personal Computer. As for being computer illiterate you obviously aren't if you are here. The guy sounds like he from the church of Steve Jobs and it best not to argue with him.

Macs and PCs are essentially the same thing under the hood, even when Apple was using PowerPC based hardware it was possible to run Linux and use various Windows hardware like after market GPUs if you got reference designed models with a Mac equivalent and flashed the vBIOS. You could even run WindowsNT up to 4.0 on a PowerPC Mac.


These days the only difference is that a Mac is the only thing legally allowed to run Mac OS X, you can DIY your own Mac, all that is needed is to check for driver support in the latest OSx86 Hackintosh builds the same as you would if you intended to use Linux or BSD instead of Windows.


Also, all Intel based Macs can also run Windows, Linux, BSD, Haiku, ReactOS or any other X86 or X64 based OS.

You sir are a victim of marketing. A Mac is a PC. PC means Personal Computer.

Turns out, he does this on all razers post and hates on all peoples personal rigs. By definition he's right but your better off building one at least than saying mac master race. But the typical term for a Macintosh computer is a Mac.  And as for the statement "I'm a gamer, I use windows" was more of a DUH but there are very little opensource things on the Mac and I also do productivity and record to youtube and Windows is easier for all that. I think he mad at Windows, cause he still has problems with viruses.




I don't even use a Mac, but it doesn't seem like you're being very reasonable.

I think this thread needs a |solved| in the title before it starts going off topic.

What? Mac OS X uses BSD as it's core, The terminal gives you full access and even includes Emacs. Every OSS program that works on BSD and Linux can either run or be made to run quite easily.

He hasn't said anything particularly hateful. He's just said you're wrong which, you are. Yes but no gamers can use any operating system I game on Linux problem? And how the hell would you know if he has virus' or not that is so random and idiotic you're clearly suffering fanboyism.