Have a Dell Inpsiron 530 can upgrade with a gpu?

Have a Dell inpsiron 530 and was wondering if I could put a gpu in there to play games. I was thinking I could get a 750 and just replace the power supply but I wasn't to sure. Pls help :(

750 or 750ti ~ you wont need to replace the psu. Most run off the pcie lanes power just fine, worst case it requires a little more juice from a 6pin, so just run it from 2 spare molex cables that will come with the gpu.
More ram is pretty essential as well if its the old 530 model that Im thinking of. Post back some specs if you can - cpu, ram..

just check if the psu has is a standard ATX size psu.
Then you can basicly allways replace that.

Edit: according to some google images, it looks like a standard sized ATX psu to me. so you can eventualy replace that.

What cpu does it have? i find diffrent specs versions of the 530.
It looks like a very old system to me.