Haswell- E details

Hmm kinda expensive, but I guess I can try to find a bundle deal, plus it will be 8 ish months from launch until I build so theres a chance for lower price. 

Yes but it also only has 28 pcie lanes, according to what I've seen on reddit, while even the 4820k has I forget what ive bridge E has but its more than 28 iirc.

Most boards you will put it in will have PLX chips to expand the PCI-E lanes so not a big deal it only has 28

i  want it........... one hell of an upgrade from my i3

Thats a good point, heck my p67 motherboard even has one, so if things work out the 5820k could be the best chip in haswell E.

8 core 16 threads i7 cpu for arround $500? well i think that will not happen, to be honnest. Maybe with skylake-E, but even then i still expect 6 core´s for arround $500 price mark. Cause intel has no competition in this price range yet. so yeah..

intel is playing this game for years. No competition, in the price range means, they can sitt on theire lazy ass. ☺

It'll happen eventually, heck it looks like we're about to get a 6 core 12 thread for $350 ish, albeit with less pcie lanes but still more than the normal boards get. 

intels is basicly stinky winky with the whole haswell-E, cause i expect the 5820K arround the $550 price mark, and the 5930K will probably somewhere arround the $700. top 5960X 8 core model will probably arround $1000 price mark.

the 5820K and 5930K are basicly the same chip, only the 5930K is 200mhz higher clocked at stock. and has more pci-e lanes.

And those pci-e lanes, is where its getting stinky winky. Because the 5830K has 28 pci-e lanes, configured as 1x16 + 1x8 +1x4. On which the 5930K has 40 pci-e lanes configured as 2x16 and 1x8.

So If you want triple SLi you will get forced to buy the more expensive 5930K basicly!

it stinks ☺

I'm sorry but the whole situation with Intel is irritation. First, their prices are not very realistic. Furthermore, we already seen people switch to AMD for servers for low cost. Moreover, people are just going to get fed up with Intel regardless if some consider it a better processor. Last, I am done with Intel.

In the future yes, but right now x4 pcie 3 is enough since we barely use x8 pcie 2 which is equal ot x4 pcie 3. 


Still I can see the 5820k costing about $350, less pcie lanes, wanting to up the sales of the has well E line, up the higher end mobo sales. I'm not convinced one way or the other yet.

So is Haswell-E & X99 still set so come out this year? I heard that since there was nothing big about them at Computex (aside from the"world's first X99 boards" from the likes of MSI and EVGA), that means they won't be unveiled and released for a while longer. Might've been just a rumor, but can anybody shed some light on that?

i expect haswell-E in 2015.