Has it all come down to Call of Duty?

Remember those days when a game would require years of anticipation and wait before it got released? My mind comes to Half Life series - everyone knew from the beginning that there would be sequels, everyone waited (and still patiently awaits) for the new announcements, leaked pictures and all the other good sttuff.

Battlefield 3 was one of these games. Everyone knew from the very beginning that it is going to be something special - hours spent playing Battlefield 2, even Bad Company 2, knowing that it is just a tech demo for something bigger, better and groundbreaking.

Finally we got it, and I myself can confidently say that Battlefield 3 has fulfilled all my expectations as a great game. Maybe not the greatest FPS Multiplayer game ever, but it definitely comes close. Then, a few months ago DLCs were announced, this filled my heart with warmth - it seemed like DICE IS going to make this game last, to squash the boredom that was coming to a lot of us - there is only so much to unlock, to try out, and this promised HUGE heaps of new content.

And then it came. The EA Leak. What we see in this leak is a promise of access to exclusive Battlefield 4 Beta if we preorder another game. But wait... A Beta? Already? We had to wait years before we even got to see screenshots of BF3, and here EA is already talking about BF4...

The problem with this is that we KNEW BF3 is going to be great - the developers invested amazing amounts of time creating it, but now, together with the DLCs for BF3, we might expect to see BF4 by the end of 2013. Does this mean that even the Battlefield franchise is moving towards the hated yearly "Ctrl+C; Ctrl+V + MOAR GUNS" release plan? Are we losing another of the rare quality FPS shooters out there? Is Battlefield becoming just overflorified Call of Duty?


What do you think of this?

I loved Battlefield 3 for some time but I have now fallen away from the FPS games that I have some good memories with. I USED to like the COD series but I slowley hated it. I was the first of my friends to realize that the game was the same every year. Now hearing this about BF4?!?!?! Its really a huge let down and no matter what they post or show I will have to keep myself from getting BF4 even without knowing anything about it now. Game devolpers got greedy and thats the bottom line.

I love the battlefield series theres no better FPS games imo and it pains me to see CoD still out selling BF3. 

This is why I don't even play FPS's anymore. The innovation is non-existant at the moment.

Battlefield sucks.

I was never personally an FPS fan. The only FPS games I actually really enjoyed was Doom 2 and Quake 3 Arena. Other than that, I remember the first time I tried the first call of duty game on the PC and it was entertaining enough, considering I had nothing better to do at the time. Serious Sam was also a really big hit in my book, and considering my fathers name is in the credits of either Serious Sam The First Encounter or the Second Encounter (cant remember, but its one of those two) I am obviously going to enjoy it. I also liked it because it was unique in almost every aspect.

For a game to catch my eye, it has to be absolutely unique in almost EVERY way imaginable; this includes the game engine, gameplay, etc. All of the MMORPGs out there mirror World of Warcraft way too much, which is why I absolutely hate almost any MMORPG games I come across. As far as FPS games, the reason I dont see any interest (personal interest, anyway) is because I see too many FPS games out there, Im not saying they are bad, but I just think there are too many.

BF3 was nice, yes, and I do agree with how you were talking about the epic waiting times, and now that that anticipation is technically gone because they keep releasing new shit every 30 seconds, it just ruins the satisfaction I get when I can finally play the game.

(my brain farted and I lost my train of thought here) 

the reason that i always prefered battlefield over CoD,besides the strategy,is the fact that Battlefield was always years beyond CoD in terms of both Innovation and Technical Advances. but announcing a Battlefield 4 right now looks like EA wants to shoot its own foot,Battlefield 3 isnt even 1 year old and having to hear this is pretty sad because if there is one thing we Battlefield Players fear is seeing Battlefield being turned into CoD,and just by seeing EA becoming the most greedy gaming company out there,this was unfortunately just a matter of time

Is CoD that game that came in 2007 and got recycled 40 times with new skins? and dlc announcements 2 weeks after launch?


I was hyped for BF3, but I didnt play it much. Not sure why, it seems like a great game^^,

Although, I played BFBC2 Aloooooooooooooooooooooooot. Awesome game is awesome.

But yes, the wait definetly wont be as long as BF2 > BF3, but it will still take a while before that beta is even out, if it's even a Beta and not a closed alpha or something. I'd say about a year before anyone sees anything of it.

actually the beta if i am correct,it will be live on the end of this year. which is unbelievable because Battlefield 3 isnt even 1 year old D:

You should really try Tribes: Ascend. It a fun game, and the mechanics are a welcome change compared to the rest of FPS games. And best of all its free.

i have played it! excellent game,hands down one of the best multiplayer games of 2012,in fact i have been playing it since beta :)

i have BF3 and love it, i'm an avid FPS player, my current gaming list consists of it, Team Fortress 2 (another amazing free game) and crysis 2 and some bioshock. I was saddened when i learned that BF4 was lurking around the corner. I hope they are planning on a summer/fall 2014 release. But that still seems too close to me.

whei heard this  a few days ago it amde me angry,

ea has kind ajsut killed bf3 and bf franchise for me

first the lack of some features in bf3 like no commander 6 man squads and a few other feature that should ahve been there, i can live w/o thogh

after thbat they released "skill" packs wiht all the guns and upgrades w/o putting thetime in it i  saw that and was like  are you fucking serouis???

then came the premuim which jsut dumbfounded me priorty to join server?  you got to be kiiding i know people who still cant connect ot servers try fixing that firsT??

ea has map packs and dlc   that teyare going to release everyt 2-3 months intill next year or someshit like that,

i can confidently say i will not be buying anythign else form ea or dlc or premuim grrrr and definlty not bf4 they can all go to hell in a hand basket

Please refrain from CoD vs BF flame war...

I agree with you completely. It is like all EA wants is $$$, and they seem to be prepared to kill their own game franchises just to get more of it FAST...

They're going to milk absolutely EVERYTHING after the TORtanic.

BF3 won't be a yearly release deal in my opinion. DICE is a single studio and I don't see EA letting other devs create BF games. Each game will get probably 3 years dev time. But remember that not all dev staff are required for entire length of development so when the story writers were finished writing the story of BF3 they could've immediately started writing BF4's story, while BF3 was still in devolpmemt, etc, etc. Also, just because you get access to the BF4 beta by buying MOH:WF doesn't mean that the beta will even be soon. Heck, the beta could be a year away, then possible 6+ months til release after beta, if that were the case, then BF4 wouldn't be out until 2014, almost a full 3 years after BF3 launch.

while that is completly possible   u have to rmeber how long it took between bf3 and bf2 bc was orginally designed for consoles so meh

the fact that ea is using the beta access as a selling point for moh  when bf3 is less then a year old is the sinulting part  not that the te beta still might be 2 or so years down the road i mean it could be,

if a game is good a game is good dosent need tons of adverts or anyhting and it will sell AND  last 

while that is completly possible   u have to rmeber how long it took between bf3 and bf2 bc was orginally designed for consoles so meh

the fact that ea is using the beta access as a selling point for moh  when bf3 is less then a year old is the sinulting part  not that the te beta still might be 2 or so years down the road i mean it could be,

if a game is good a game is good dosent need tons of adverts or anyhting and it will sell AND  last