I was going to buy the X-Stor and I noticed these are cheaper than those ones. Not sure how good they are- but it looks fairly similar to it.
Then I noticed that there is this monitor http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=M27QSM&_sop=15
it's $270 and looks to pretty much be the same panel...not quite sure though...
Anyone here have any opinions? ...I think I might get one...
Anyone here have any opinions on this...thing?
No experience with this make. If its the same panel as the Shimian its good.
Local pickup only? you could look at it when you pick it up ey?
I noticed that afterwards and derped...
I think it has the same panel as the xstar (the shimian is LG? right?)
it's like...$1 cheaper...ehh
Dreamseller also has the fsm270-YG, which is pretty much a cheaper x-star with bigger speakers- http://www.ebay.com/itm/First-FSM-270YG-LED-LG-S-IPS-16-9-WIDE-2560x1440-WQHD-27-MONITOR-/320933726714?pt=Computer_Monitors&hash=item4ab92409fa
But at the same time, it says the x-star panel is Samsung-IPS ad the FSM is S-IPS (not sure if same thing)