Has AMD fixed the C6 idling crash for zen+ processor under linux?

I am thinking of building a low power NAS using a 3200g/ 3400g but there seems to be some comment on zen+ architecture having a c6 idling crashes?

Edit: source of the claim C6 state bug.

Has AMD fixed this issue?


yes, my sp3r2 systems have that issue. my workaround is to just disable c-state control in agesa.

Ok thanks for you swift reply.

How significant is it for a C-state control in power efficiency, since the NAS will mostly in idling state?

I do know a lot of other factors that affect the power consumption, but is power draw significant without the C6 state? (assuming same HDD/ ram and other parts).

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my cpu is far from the most power hungry thing in that server. but if youre that worried about it, you could do some kernel/scheduler/governor things to bring power usage down.
my navi10’s use more juice than my sp3r2 cpu.
if you cared that much about power efficiency, youd have made your machine run on ARM, not amd64.