Hardware KVM mimics software KVM like Synergy

Hi ya,

I’m looking for a hardware KVM that mimics or works like a software one where you can move your mouse between 2 different PC’s (well 1 MAC and 1 Windows PC).
I need hardware as the one device will be on a Corp VPN while the other will remain on the local network.
I would love to have the kb/m just seamlessly move between both setups on different networks.

Another thing, the PC is my gaming PC so low latency and so on would be a preferred if this is possible.

The monitor is a Odyssey G9 G95SD so 5,120 x 1,440 at 240hz at the max, but often the monitor will be split with both devices at 2560x1440 @ 120hz.

Any advice would be appreciated

Deskhop isn’t exactly what you’re looking for but it’s close. It’s more of KM rather than a KVM switch. I use it with two monitors in a similar scenario to yours: work PC running windows next to a personal PC running Linux. I have one keyboard and mouse, and I can drive the mouse seamlessly between the screens with no additional software required on either system.

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There are some KVMs (or rather just KMs) with automatic roaming, like this. But I doubt it’ll work with mac

Looking at the 2 replies so far, maybe just a KM will work if it can still move across screens.
That might be the best with the high resolution, and a solution I’d be happy with if I can get the Kb/M to go between them?

Is this free movement between screens really needed? I just use a logitech kb and mouse both paired to two unifying receivers. One receiver in pc, another in the mac, and i just switch between them with keys on the kb and mouse

I can’t speak for the original poster, but for me the instant switching was a game changer. From my perspective it looks just like I’m using one system with two monitors. The mouse moves directly between the two systems at the same vertical position.

I tried using an MX keys keyboard and a Logitech mouse with a switch, but I never got used to it. It might have been easier if the switch on the keyboard switched the mouse at the same time, but I never found any hardware that worked like that. A hardware solution was required, since I’m not supposed to load third-party software on my work machine.

Yes unfortunately it is needed to jump between both.

I have to keep moving my kb/m swapping back and forth and its a pain.

The MX Software wont work again as one device will be on a totally different network so will not be able to communicate with the other.
As such a hardware option will be needed, but I just cant find which to get that will work?

So I got a Deskhop, it works for the mouse kinda…
But it doesnt work for the keyboard.

Also it doesnt take into account the external monitor connected to my Macbook.
Is there any other solutions I could use?
It was so close…