Hard drive problems, very confused, please help

Following on from the last hard drive problem related topic:

The OS has now been reinstalled and a new problem is now happening.

Started with the Hard Drive showing up as a removable drive like a USB. Look this up and changing the hot plug option in the UEFI, it was set to disabled anyway but changed into enabled, reboot, shut down, set back to disabled, reboot again and it seems to have gone away.

Then there was Steam, it was giving Disk Write Errors. This is due to all the old folders on the drive being read only. So set the folders to not read only… But they never actually change. It goes through the progress bar like it is changing them but check the folder again and it is still read only.

Checked the user permissions and a few had full access a few didn’t. Tried changing the access permissions and then got Failed To Enumerate Objects, drive is not ready and then error because it is not ready…

Now if I check the properties on the steam library folder it will start counting the size and number of objects in the folder but it will periodically pause, drive will spin back up and continue, OR, the window will close.

All things say the drive is good. SMART data says its all okay.

This is problem on problems. All hard drive related. All ready replaced one don’t really have the funds to replace the second one… Really need help with this.

EDIT: The Drive in question is no older than 5 months.

EDIT 2: For now the problematic drive has been unplugged and is off. A new 1tb drive has been installed… Let’s see how long this lasts.

this seems a lot like a conflicting resource issue in the software ( it can happen between version changes)
if you can copy the data from the folders in question (not copying the folder but just the files inside them) once copied to new media verify they are read/write (not read only)
and as for the old drive, wipe it, re-partition and reformat it. providing the old drive is good you have the extra storage available to you

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Okay thanks I can try that later.

This is the part the worries me though. The drive is acting weird. Like when you ask it to read and it fails and spins up again or gails and just fails, drops out of windows explorer and then reappears.

Post raw smart data? If it’s a software issue you should have no read errors and no spin retries. I’ve had disks go bad because the bearing of all things failed.

Also when you set permissions are you checking to see if inheritance is set? Given all these files were likely created by another user sid you might not have ownership. Take ownership of the folder and all subdirs then try to apply perms.

I can get that when I am home.

It was including inheritance, and adding the new windows user we created to the permissions. It should have transferred ownership but when it was in the process it threw the Enumeration error and stopped the process. It will jit continue from where it left off and tries fresh every time which does not help.

Might it help to try a different sata cable/ port just in case?
There might also be a tool from the manufacturer which might give a better idea of any problem with the drive not picked up by Windows?

Can’t hurt to try.

How do you know? Are you seeing it change the ownership or are you just adding yourself to full control?

I was trying to transfer ownership, change permission and add the new user. It failed on each count. Anything I tried just went straight back his it was before. It either does not work, or looks like it is trying to work but fails mid way through.

I know I am not explaining super well.

Any tips or steps to follow to try and get it back properly.

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I think we’re talking about the same thing but just to be 100% you are going to Properties>security tab>advanced>change owner


Yup that’s the one. I could add the user fine but when it tried to change for that or even change permissions for existing users it would start and then Failed To Enumerate Objects.

And each time it failed you could hear the drive respin. Even just checking then properties if a folder where it counts the folders, files and size would cause either respin or just drop the drive from explorer for a second and then it would appear again as it nothing happened.

Just try to change only ownership. Check the box to replace on subcontainers and objects as well as replace all child object permissions. Then apply.

If that fails then… shits fucked yo. Back up if possible like @Gnuuser suggested and nuke it.

BTW I’ve had drives die without smart issues being reported. They would just I/O error out and the smart data showed nothing bad. I would get yourself a copy of spinrite or use HD tune to scan the drive sector by sector just to see if you can make it trip up.

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Thank you for all the help by the way. everyone.

I will try this as soon as I get to the PC. Currently it is working and the problem hard drive is unplugged. So when I get the time I will look at it.

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reading the post on its fail and respins this drive is failing by the sound of it.
to recover the data place the drive between to bags of ice (wrapped in a towel of course) to keep it cool
this might allow you to recover the data off of it.

This has been recommended. It has been on hold for some time while the PC is in working order with the drive removed.

I will get to it eventually for sure though.