Hard drive partition

i want to make a 100gb partition to install windows 7, I have 336gb free space but when I go to make a partition it says I can only make a 12gb partition. I am using Vista 64 if this makes a difference.

if that 336gb has already been formatted then u have to delete it and then make a new partition. which means you'll lose what ever is with that 336gb partition

i hope im making since

I have no partitions at the moment, that 336gb is whats free

oh, you have to delete it all then if you want to partition it. you cant break that 336gb way from the used gb's, its just impossible.

ok thanks

If it's a blank 336 GB you CAN break that. Get Gparted. If you have Ubuntu, it should be installed in it. If not, just get gparted for free, put it on a CD as an ISO, and boot up with it. You don't need to format. I have 3 partitions going right now. I'm on a Windows 7 Partition and My Vista Partition is fine. Has all the files from when I first built my computer in September.


Get gparted, but it to a cd or dvd then boot up from it, then resize partition as much as you want

LOL. DAMN THOMAS. AGAIN. And I beat you by like, a millisecond.

i just used partition magic to use some of my D partition for windows 7 in a dual boot. i'd use PM, it's mad easy. just install it, take 100gb off the drive you want and turn it into a fresh partition. reboot and it's done.

Safest way is to format and reinstall Windows and then partition.

MeGotRice wrote 2 minutes ago »

Safest way is to format and reinstall Windows and then partition.

all is well if he doesn't care about losing some stuff. this is just so he doesn't have to clean off his hdd because we all know how fucking annoying reinstalling all your programs/games are.

meh id go with megotrice on this one

Hmm. I didn't format and I partitioned it straight away. It's been over a month now. No issues. If you want to, go ahead.

MeGotRice wrote 4 hours ago »

Safest way is to format and reinstall Windows and then partition.

Well... That is if you dont knooooow :)

It is just as safe to resize in gparted and format it with w7 installer. (format a new partition of the free space)

Snarlingchicken: damn lol