Hard Drive Failure Procedure?

I’m running Linux Mint 19.3, I don’t know much about Hard Drive failure because the only drive I’ve seen die is an xbox original hard drive.
I have a 10 year old 3 TB Seagate that currently loads in Gnome Disk Utility as an Unkown drive with large amount of bad sectors.

crtl+s: self-test failed.

when formatting

error formatting volume

mkfs.ext4-F -L exited with non-zerp exit status 5:

superblock backups stored on blocks

32768 etc.

Warning had trouble writing out superblocks udisks-error-quark,0

Don’t care about data I’m just trying to learn how to best detect hard drive failure, what can be done and when to recycle which is probably now.

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Run a SMART test to get some diagnostic output, but what you are seeing currently is text book HDD failure.

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“If you see one of the SMART attributes Reallocated_Sector_Ct (5) , Reported_Uncorrect (187) , Command_Timeout (188) , Current_Pending_Sector (197) , and Offline_Uncorrectable (198) different than zero, replace the disk”


k thanks, and to clarify I’ve yet to find away to use the disk. Can’t format or mount, but I can still see it in gnome disk’s.

smartmontools is your friend, but it’s dead, it’s dead

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Gettings a reported0_uncorrect(187), Command-Timeout(188) must be a sign of Hard Drive Failure