Half Life

So what's the deal with Half Life 3...

I know we don't know when it's coming out, but do we know if it's in development?

I only bring this up because of this LINK, page 20 in the pdf, page 22 on the paper.

If it's being worked on, why do people have to go about "confirming" it?


PS, this is an official steam document, I know there are fan made half-life 3 shirts out, but still... Why would they troll...

Thing is that Valve is under a lot of pressure because what HL and HL2 accomplished. Valve is putting a lot of thought into the next HL game and there is no point revealing every idea that they have just to later say that it's not going to be used.

Valve will talk about next HL when there is something to talk about. Until then Valve does not want to create false hope.

And an overview of why HL is so good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih1Q2DasYTQ