All right guys, let’s see if anybody can help out with this one.
I got a Microsoft Surface Book with that fancy new Pro Pen. It has tilt functionality, unlike the old pen, and also has other positives like a low attenuation point.
Unfortunately the tilt is garbage and is causing a problem that if the pen is angled windows auto corrects the cursor position on the monitor after pressing it down, making it basically impossible to know exactly where the mouse is going to end up.
It has nothing to do with calibration, it’s entirely dependent on the tilt of the pen.
I looked for a way to disable tilt and couldn’t find anything. I also know it’s related to tilt because this happens on no other pens, but this pen is also the best pen, minus this feature and I’d like to continue to use it.
Now that I’ve already talked too much for most people to bother reading this, my question is I assume some part of windows is getting info about the tilt of the pen through some drivers windows uses to send info about interfaces like the pen.
Looking on MSDN I find this
My question is does anybody know a way to make it so anytime TiltX and TiltY are read it returns 0? Could I create a DLL that just overrides the TiltX and TiltY values to a constant but keeps everything else the same? Or maybe revolutionize Microsoft and make the drivers open source and fix it easily? A solution to either of this would be greatly appreciated because I love the surface book 2 except this single issue and Microsoft seems to have no intention on fixing it calling it a “feature.”