H12SSL-I Will not power on

Hi folks, I am having the exact same issue as described in another post that is currently closed. (Unfortunately I can’t post a link to that post. so i have quoted it below.

@gvi70000 I was wondering if you ever resolved this? I replaced my motherboard and the 2nd one is doing the exact same thing. I called SuperMicro about the 1st board and they said it was a faulty motherboard which is why I went for a replacement. Any idea what could be causing the board to not power on at all? I am able to access the BMC but both board report an incorrect CPU and RAM regardless of what I have installed and the powering on via the header pins or the BMC does nothing.


BMC is basically a separate computer, so it can be accessible with broken MB.

Other than disconnect everything but 1xCPU and 1x ram stick - I have no idea.
Probably faulty MB/CPU/PSU.

Never had a SuperMicro server, but had similar problem with dell - had to replace MB.

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