H100 fits in Zalman Z11 PLUS?

Buying new PC and I saw that shop where I'm going to buy componets,has lowered the price of H100

and I really like it but here is the thing

I would like to buy Zalman Z11 plus but I'm not sure if the H100 fits in it

so can you tell me if it fits in or should I rather take some other case (which u can recommend :D)


this forum is the ultimate case compadibility whit the h100 but i was not able to find the zalman z11 plus but htere alot of good case http://www.overclock.net/t/1144409/h80-h80i-h100-h100i-case-compatibility-thread-page-1-for-full-listings

I have the Z11 plus and im pretty sure it will fit. mines got to 140mm fans on top and since the H100 has 2 120mm logic would say that yes itll fit. also i measured and there appears to be enough space but since i dont have an H100 to try it with i cant tell you for sure