I know few of the new users care about me. If you joined within the last 2 years, don’t pay attention to this post its not for you. This is for all the people I pissed off that I was once friends or acquaintances with. I feel I owe an explanation.
I’m trans. I know the whole lounge crew is gunna bug out because of Sink, but I’ve let it build up on me so much that I started attacking others. I’m sorry. Hell it may have even just been a minor notification at one point or another for the mods but it means a lot to me for anything to be a nuisance to anyone. I try to stay very much out of the way.
So I’ll say it now, if you want to tell me I’m a stuck up prick, that I’m an asshole, that I’m an elitist, go for it. This account is on a deathclock. I’ve scrambled the password so well only wendell can tell what it is and he’s gunna have to open the database to see. Next time I log out this account is locked and never living again.
ATP this account is burned for me. I can’t use it anymore. I might make a new one, I may never come back here. But I wanted to at least put forward that I’m sorry. I can’t explain my actions other than panic and anxiety being the only feelings I had anymore.
I’ll probably be back. I’ll make it obvious.
I don’t know why I’m posting this here. I just feel I should own myself and my errors.
I’ll probably look at a few things and log out again. Thanks for the laughs, I have a life to go live now.
I wish the best of luck to the next journey in your life. A break and new account will allow you to engage in some personal development and exploration.
Looking back, I can’t think of many negative experiences with you either because I forgot or it didn’t bother me enough to keep grudges.
What few are left in the lounge are probably apathetic to this. TBH no one cares what you are so long as you aren’t finding every little thing to take offense and flagging anything you don’t like. If it makes you happy then do it. Just don’t tread on anyone elses happiness to find yours. I don’t see you acting like sink did so it’s all good.
So I’m out of the loop on this. TheKitchenSink is banned, and Aremis is leaving? What exactly happened? They were both people that commented a lot on this forum, and that I never had seen do anything wrong or negative?
It’s not worth rehashing. Both of them had their moments. Many others have left. This place has shifted away from the community that existed before level1techs for better or worse.
I will keep the powerpc torch running if this g5 tower ever arrives!!! But, more importantly, I am only happy if other are happy when it comes to people I talk with. So I will say this, go live your life and not be upset by the past, look at today and the future.