Guys! I need your insight on something!

Okay okay, I'll be quick about this but I want to know what you guys think about this build for my little brother. Currently, he is running on an Inspiron 660s with an i3-3420 (I believe that is what it is), 1 TB storage, and 6GB of RAM (I know, weird right?).

He wants to play Titanfall and wanted to get the 750 Ti but we found out it won't fit in his case and there is an ugly plug that is directly in front of the PCI slot and makes things harder than they need to be.

Anyway, what do you guys think about this?

I wanted him to get a new mobo, case, PSU, and the 750 Ti to boot! He is also disappointed that he couldn't transfer his OS to this new mobo and that he has to get another one. What do you guys think and could he somehow get Windows 8.1 onto this new mobo or is that a no go? Advice and insight is appreciated!

why couldn't he move his os? just use the old HDD with the os, and use it as the boot drive

I'm pretty sure you can't do that with Microsoft's Registry on it....

Okay, First, I do not normally agree with the term "bottleneck" But you are talking about one right now. An I3 will start to bottleneck even with a 680. so your actions to get all new stuff is wise. You can also use something like Xclone to clone the old HDD to the new one. If i am not mistaken, some manufactures even provide that type of software.

I was aware of that but I still want to know if there are any other hoops to jump through. Isn't Windows directly linked to the motherboard of the computer that it was installed on?


I've never had to move the boot drive from a stock installation of Windows, but I've never had a problem otherwise. Unless the company decided to key it to their motherboard, you shouldn't have any problems.

Well this being a 660s from Dell and it came pre-installed with Windows 8, I think they might have. Also, we are not changing out the hard drive because it is a perfectly good 1TB hard drive.

Okay, so I did a little bit of digging. Evidently with Dell, the installation of Windows is, to a certain extent, locked to the motherboard. This will not prevent you from using it on a different motherboard, but you will have to provide a new activation for it. The code from the sticker on the case will no longer work with the OS. Of course, there are oodles of different methods to re-activate your OS, so I'd consider trying one of those. Try to look for KMSautoeasy or KMS Activator when you search, as these work a very large percentage of the time.

I would rather not have to go through Pirate Bay to do this.

Call Microsoft's activation support number and see if they'll provide you a new activation key.

Yeah, I figured that out when I asked the question on the Microsoft Community Forums :P