Gunz The Second Duel? oshux dewd lulz

lmao i wasn't into pc gaming then. that was the very beginning of me learning about pcs and pc gaming.

lol I have been pc gaming for a little bit like since everquest 1 beta in like 99 :P

My friend got me into it and i built my first pc at 10 years old


Its still just as fun today as it was back then


lol damn, i didn't care about pcs that much until a few years ago

can't wait to do my first build (hopefully before i turn 19) :3

gunz is fucking lame, I try to do as much as I can to stray away from k-style and it really is a broken game. if they re did it I would play it again

kstyle isn't going anywhere, it's what made gunz what it is today. if you didn't like/couldn't handle the crazy amount of key inputs every second, then it's not for you.

i enjoyed the speed it brought to the game, but it had two problems; ping issues and graphics. it was ugly as fuck in comparison to all the other games that were coming out.

Zomg, I lived on the "town" map, I played it solid for 3 months, it is quite addicting, but you have to torrent it of others to download the content, which sucked

ahhahaha yea back then... when i had slow internet, the torrenting was horrible. it was like they wouldn't even seed their own files wtf lololol

town was like EVERY game back then too..