I like a lot of newer metal and such but these two come to mind
Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom) He is also the lead singer which I find amazing that he can do both. This probably isn't his best work but he incorporates a lot of different techniques suchs as sweeping (of course) also throws in those skipping some string (I forget the technical term). It just has a lot of great points about it.
Brandon Small (DethKlock/Metalocalypse) You can skip to 0:48. A lot may not be a fan of him but he has some pretty awesome stuff going on.
I'll probably get flame for this because some people consider it metal and others dont...Avenged Sevenfold
I'm not sure if it's just the guitars but they just have a good sound and some of the songs have a lot of feeling behind them which I admire. They have some pretty awesome guitar work such as M.I.A. and some really cool acoustic's in Sidewinder.
You won't have to worry about us "flaming" you. While I personally am not a fan of Sevenfold, who am I to tell you what "good music" is? Also, Brendan Small \M/
lol ... yah I come from the old school of metal which is defined as "heavy & loud with a fuck you attitude". It makes me rofl that all these little timmies have split metal into genres so they can get internet cred.
True, but to classify them to extremes like... Nightwish is Symphonic Gothic Power Metal is over the top. Most of these are based on a few songs on one cd. To me ... Nightwish is pure symphonic.