Guess what I am making or attempting to make?
All though I am going to need something smaller then a PI B+
A Rubix Cube! ; ) I don't know, a remote controlled charging station?
It looks like your making a bug of some kind, but hell what do i know.
A house fire?
Improvised Explosive Device.
Controlling your power outlets with RPi? If so, better way would be using arduino and possibly controlling that via RPi...
Arduino + WiFi/Bluetooth module + relay is how I'd do it. Just don't touch your mains if your not certified.
I want to say there's a pi board designed to do exactly that... too lazy to google for it. Pretty sure I remember reading something about it though.
So, you wanna tell us?
you damn terrorist ;)
I'm surprised NSA doesn't raid all RPi users.. you could use it for terrorism... :D
Just think about what you could do with this and a wifi/cell card slipped somewhere.
People connecting phones to charge, Traffic monitoring and logging, vpn endpoint,"Just a Little Node!"
Its going to need an A+ though as the B is too big.
Innovative :)
So what exactly is this supposed to be doing? Sorry if I am a bit dense.
Dammit, I totally thought you were making borscht.
It supposed to steal your soul when you unknowingly plug your phone into the usb charger port.
It doesn't look like pancakes, therefore I don't care.