For my first post I would like to ask about the story of these disappearing graphics cards, most importantly the 680.
They appear to be disappearing from retailers, does any one know the story?
I have the asus gtx680 4gb dc2 top version and was looking to add a second one later down the road but there is no support for the cards any more, no bios and even asus has removed the cards from their website.
I did drum up the thing with Nvidia removing all the voltage control from the user but is that the reason these cards are vanishing? No re-release with out user voltage control.
I will admit i am a bit upset because of all the marketing that JJ and asus put into these cards, so i purchased one to suit my needs. On the several recommendations form sites like Tek.
I know the answer is buy a new card, but I would like to know the story, otherwise if I find JJ on the street I would be inclined to removed my graphics card from my pc and stick it up his PCI slot.
it's pretty simple nvidia no longer makes 6 series cards the same as AMD no longer make HD7xxx cards as the newer cards to replace them are now out you will only find secondhand ones when thay have all sold out.
A GTX 680 is pretty much neck and neck with a 280X so you don't need to upgrade unless you are running really high resolutions like 4k. The Asus DCUIIT are very overclockable cards, so you can still get more performance out of them with a little tweaking.
I was looking for future down the road upgrades not exactly at the moment.
I was just confused as to why the cards disappeared so fast. this is my first dive into the good end of computing hardware so i was always under the assumption that companies kept production up and older models so people could get them for super cheap.
since they are gone already it really proves how popular this line was eh? Was kepler that revolutionary?
A thought i just had also is probably the rise of mining too.
I will keep you in mind for future expansions though, but please dont sit on your card for me.