Hi guys, first post here, i have the chance to get a titan z for 580 euros, I am currently running a 3930k with a 780. My question is : since I'm planning to buy a 1440p monitor (not sure if 21:9 or 16:9) and i want to upgrade my gpu, should i go with the Z or get another card? Budget is roughly 600 euros.
P.S. Don't know if matters but i also do some 3d rendering-modeling and video editing, but the main task would be gaming.
I am assuming this is a used card. I would probably opt in for a 980 TI since it cost about the same, will be new with its full warranty, and will consume less power than a Titan Z. SLI cards are not always worth the headaches that may occur.
It's worth it. I could get a 980ti for the same price here, so I would probably take that. But if as you say they are 120€ more expensive, I would not hesitate to get the Titan-Z. Also, its a Titan. They do come with bragging rights lol