4chips = quad SLI
4chips = quad SLI
I'd rather have an R9 295X2.
I see it as a "best of both worlds" card. It's probably powerful enough to use as a workstation card despite the lack of driver support which means viewport performance probably wont suffer too much - the current Titan does perform very well as a pro card when considering the crazy pricing for Quadro cards. Its also $1000 cheaper than a Tesla K40 with the same amount of VRAM and twice the number of CUDA cores, plus you can game on it which you cant with either the Tesla or Quadro.
None of this distracts from Nvidia's bat crap mental pricing though.
^ This.
Why doesn't everybody realise that?
I was not going to chime in, but now I guess I will.
So, back when the Titan was first released, everyone was blown away by its price. It had performance, and it was the best performing card out there.
Then the 780 comes out, and it's bloody $700. Still very expensive, but since its "predecessor" was almost twice as expensive on release, and this 780 had similar gaming performance to the Titan, it quickly became very popular. Why? People now thought that the $700 price tag was a good deal. If Nvidia had released such an expensive card has a predecessor to the 680, they would have been shot, but since there was this similarly performing card almost twice as expensive, it really did make it seem like a good deal. Golden marketing strategy in my book.
Now here comes the Titan Black and the Titan Z. We're back up to bloody expensive, RIGHT BEFORE MAXWELL COMES OUT.
We should be expecting a $700-800 Maxwell 880 soon. And people are going to foam at the mouth over it because omigosh lookie thur it has similar gaming performance to the Titan Z. <gasp>
All that aside, as already mentioned, it IS a balls to the wall rendering behemoth. This card would do well replacing a Tesla workstation card. In fact, in the Nvidia's keynote, they spent more time showing off the card's physics computation than they did gaming/rendering.
i'm just currious as to what exactly 5k is
"amd is advertising 4k, we need to one up them"
Not necessarily. For gaming, its a no no. But in scientific compute/rendering programs ya you can and that would be great.
actually, everyone who says workstations is wrong.
It would preferably be used with computations, rendering,development, and the sort HOWEVER, these would have to SUPPORT the cards features...otherwise it is pointless...
The 12GB does not equal 4k performance as the chip would also need the hoarsepower...this has 4...so technically it acts as four cards with 3GB of vram...only 3GB would be effective...
and all those hips would be underclocked to keep power usage lower
It's actually 2 cards. 2 gk-110 chips in sli. So it's 6gb usable, and dual gk-110s will use all of that *in certain applications*
It's not a worthless card, it does have its uses, and there are plenty of programs that will use the cuda cores to their fullest, and users of said programs will pay to have amazing performance in those programs. Weather they will actually pay 3k for that performance or not is really up to them, as said previously it is about the same price as a tesla k40, which also has double precision cuda, but also has only one gk110 and 5gb of frame buffer.
Remember that in CES Nvidia had 3x4k tvs in surround, powered by 4 titans, each titan with 6gb frame buffer. I'm more than positive that this titan z will be able to pump a single 4k.
This card is not bred for 4k, I think that will be a job for the upcoming maxwell, but it most certainly does support 4k very well.
closer to a third....
5th version of the same card, my god...
AMD. Not to be outdone.
I managed to spit my tea on myself rather than my keyboard. Thanks for that I guess? hahahah
4 chips = quad SLI
law of diminishing returns of course. there is no reason for quad except if you have more money than brains and if you just want to brag.
5k is theature quality. What movies generally use at its most detailed resolution.
The 12GB does not equal 4k performance as the chip would also need the hoarsepower...this has 4...so technically it acts as four cards with 3GB of vram...only 3GB would be effective...
Titan Z is a dual gpu card. only 2 chips so 6GB per core.
and when we say workstation we mean exactly "computations, rendering,development, and the sort "
This card is pretty pointless in my eyes, I don't even see it as a workstation card either. Titans IMO were already pointless, bragging right cards and this one is doubly so.