GTX TITAN Black Question

Hi People Of Tech, and people of the 'Master Race'

I am planning on getting a GTX Titan Black (to replace a GTX 770) but I'm very certain that the Intel Core i5-3330 CPU i have in my machine will bottleneck the Titan Black.

Will this bottleneck the GPU? and if so will i see frame rate drops in game, or just lower FPS due to the i5 being maxed out while gaming?

I will be planning on upgrading to a i7-3770K at a later date.


Thank You,


Why a Titan Black, I must ask?

Whether or not it will bottleneck really depends on the game, but no, you shouldn't have much issue with your i5.

Unless you are performing 'productivity tasks' with your GPU a titan black would be a colossal waste of money.

For the cost of a titan black you could probably get SLI 980's AND your new cpu.........

A 3320 is a snappy little processor and shouldn't bottleneck in any game. 

That being said there is no reason to by a Titan Black unless you want to brag about how much money you spent. 

Get a 980. 

and beer

and hookers

and more beer

we're talking black here not Z

So i have come to the conclusion you guys are suggesting to get a GTX 980? Will this perform better than a single Titan Black in most or all cases?

A single 980 should do better in most cases.

I see, getting back to my original question on a possible bottleneck, my i5-3330 should be able to hold its own? Just that i see many people not even considering a i5 and grabbing an i7 for these top tier cards?

The only difference between say an i5-3570k and i7-3770k is 2MB of L2 cache and hyper threading. Both of which make no difference in games. 

Most people go with the i7 because they think it is better or that they "need" it. They don't, Unless you are doing serious productivity work as well there is no need for an i7. 


Thank You, you have all been of much help, a GTX 980 it will be :D

I know - in Aus they are over $1400