GTX 980 vs GTX 1050 Ti

I don’t get it.

Why is a GTX 980 faster than a 1050Ti?

Both have 4GB VRAM

The 980 has Core 1126 MHz and RAM 1752 MHz
The 1050Ti has Core 1290 MHz and RAM 1752 MHz

Why is the 980 over 20% faster? It’s older, it has lower clockspeeds… What am I missing?

I don’t know if it has any kind of stream processors or anything, but was a reasonably high-mid tier card.
I still daily one, and it does a 1080p and 1440p fine at the same time

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980 was a top tier high end Nvidia 9th gen GPU.
10th generation is literally the next generation after that. 1050 is pretty much the low end for Nvidia. What you need to compare 1050 to is previous generation one tier higher cards, so basically 960… 1060 was about 970 performance… 1070 was about 980/980Ti performance… So there’s that. And here we are today where nothing makes sense anymore cause Nvidia lost their minds…


The ti is better, and the Titans were the top “consumer” cards, (less than quadro, professional cards)

But either way, eventually today’s cheap devices will match yesteryears top end.

Today is not that day…

If you tell me 980 was not a top tier card even with the existence of Ti and Titans I will go to Britain, find your insane ass and poke you in the bellybutton…
It’s like saying 3080 is not a high end top tier card cause 3090 exists…

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I repeat, I use one daily, it is my main card.
My 6900xt often sits to one side awaiting play-time.
The 980 is mid-high.

It is what Inuse to play Minecraft, factorial, Trauberbruk, Brothers, CookieClicker.
It runs both my displays, and can do full 1080p video alongside the game.

It is a very capable card.

But mid-high

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What is 970 then? Mid range? Is 960 low end? Just because Nvidia sold titans for 1500$ doesn’t mean they were high end.
Nevermind. Keep buying that marketing BS…

Rich bastard…

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You got it about right.

Except now the mid-high is msrp‘ing $700 instead of $500

I can argue this ain’t mid range…
3060 is somewhere around 2080 performance. The top 10GPUs are literally 15% performance difference. I would say all of them.are high end GPUs. 2070/5700XT performance is mid range. 3060Ti that is the same as 2080Ti can’t be mid range…

We are going way off topic…
Short answer is, since it’s much lower tier of a product, 1050 is acut down GPU, meaning less of everything - less.cuda cores, less texturing units,less ROPs or whatever, pretty much less of everything, and the higher clockspeed does not really compensate…

Its the memory bus: 128bit vs 384bit and its bandwidth 112GB/sec vs 336GB/sec

Not to mention 980 also had thrice the L2 cache of 1050TI

And to be fair, I have not used the 1050ti, so it might actually be a capable card

I also looked at cuda core counts… 980 has 2,048 (at a slower clock but can do more work in parallel) and 1050ti has 768… Architecture as well as other specialty cores come into play as well I’m sure. That and architecture as well. I think of it in terms of math as well… IOPS like with a CPU can be different for the diffrent GPU chips as well I would think. This is an educated guess…just a disclaimer…lol
And this was covered already damit lol…

You are missing something crucial here, time, just because a mid tier car now is as fast as a high tier card then does not makes it any more than mid tier.

It is great for people looking to buy them but but the numbering system the 60 is a mid tier card, j fortunately nVidia have been pushing the prices up all the time, but that is a different issue.

I mean I can get probably something like a RX5500 that will probably beat out a HD7990 (I have not checked) but that does not stop them being respectively mid and high tier but crucially “of their time”

Or like a 750ti is way more powerful that a GTX9800 but they are still both low/mid tier and high end.

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My point is the name is meaningless. Every 30 series card is piled up in the tip of the performance charts. That’s high end by definition.
Just because it’s XX60 doesn’t make it mid range. It have a high end performance. You have all that performance range right now that both companies are ignoring.
Entry level low end are 580/1060, I would say mid range is around 5700XT/2070, cause when you look at the graphs they are Inbetween the higher performance cards and lower end cards like 1660 and 5600XT… 3060 at best is mid/high end. But it’s not mid range despite its name…

I really wish EVGA would continue their classified product line… I’m sitting here with a 980 classified with the optional backplate, overclocked with a custom bios and no need to upgrade @1440p 112Hz. Star wars battlefront 2 on Max settings I get a solid 90+fps and that’s more than good enough for me.

Now what I really appreciate is that I’ve had this card massively overclocked on air for the better part of 4 years-- its never been unstable and I think the full 4-phase digital power delivery on Japanese capacitors with the extra large PCB and heatsink/fans of the classified line really help make that difference. It feels like a quality piece of engineering, and never goes above 65C in my sound dampening case. I also replaced the factory thermal paste with Arctic silver 5- that took the temp down from 70C average.

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