I'm looking to upgrade my GPU. Currently it is an ASUS GTX 580 1.5gb. I'm considering upgrading it to a GTX 980 4gb version found on Newegg here. I am interested in the Witcher 3 bundle offered with it. I would like to stay with ASUS since I have the software from the 580 and have no issues with it. My main concern is would upgrading the GPU be worth it given the rest of my build (i7-2600K @ 4.43ghz, P8P67LE mobo, 16gb RAM, 700w PSU). Would it be more beneficial to upgrade the CPU and mobo first (perhaps i7-4970K and a Z97-A)? Should I get the 980 4gb or wait for a TI model or new generation? The 4gb version is right in my budget range, so I'd assume a TI version would be out of budget. I would also like to stick with an Nvidia card since the flight sim I run has been shown to run smoother with Nvidia compared to AMD. Also, does has 980 been reported to have any of the memory issues the 970 has? The PC is mainly used for gaming purposes.
There are no memory issues with the 970 or the 980. If you have the money and what to upgrade, the 980 is a fine choice. Don't plan on some card that doesn't even exists yet.
I'd tough it out a bit and wait for the 390. If you do end up grabbing the 980 and might wanna switch to one of the new AMDs, best make that descision before hand, as many will jump ship selling their cards for less to get the money faster.
Considering it is relatively new, I would wait for news, rumors, or leaks pointing to 980 Ti. One of my friends bought the 780 and then the 780 Ti came out the next week. I would wait another week or 2.
This is always the big question isn't it.
But ask yourself this, if you wait for the other card, nvida will probably have something to answer the new one as well and you will just keep waiting for an endless cycle just like phones, before you know it the s7 will be out and if you wait for that some thing else will get announced as well.
I have a 980 and probably will not need to upgrade for quite some time, but alas I can not predict the future.
I agree here. I just bought a 980, probably be something new out soon, but I'm tired of waiting. The 980 is still a beast of a card.
I've always heard the 970 had a slower running 0.5gb on the end of it's memory.
I understand what you're saying, but I would only wait until the next version, then compare to current and decide from that point. Just didn't know if anyone had heard about or had an estimation of a release date for anything new (speaking in terms of the next 2 months that is).
That's my concern. Will a new version be announced within a week or two after my purchase? I'm only looking for a purchase within the next month or so. Whatever comes out in Q4 or 2016 doesn't concern me at the moment.
Even if the card gets announced, doesn't mean you will be able to purchase it that day. Look how long the TitanX has been "out". And you still can't buy one.
well from what i have seen 390x might*** release near august but no one really knows
If you buy a 390 card just know you are driving up an a road with almost no driver support and a company that it going down hill at a rapid pace. The first driver release in the past 5 to 6 months was for GTA 5 and it was a beta driver. If that's the kind of support you wish to pay for then wait, if not get a 980.
Yes, that's true. But it's that way by design, not really an issue, if you understand the 970 for what it is. People having problems with it are those that pay for a 970 and expect it to deliver like a 980. I mean, there is a reason for the 200$ price difference.
Regarding the TI, there is absolutely no proof or even evidence that they're are even releasing one.
Again, if you have the money right now, why not?
There will always be a new card on the horizon. That's just the nature of the beast. I bought 3 980s and the Titan X got announce 5 days later (what I was originally waiting on). I wouldn't worry too much about upgrading the CPU. My first question is what resolution and what games do you play? I think the 980ti will probably only be an upgrade for me because I eat vram like a fat kid in an icecream shop (GTA5 cough).
Currently using a 1680x1050 monitor, but I would like to get a 1080p 144hz one in the future. As for games I mainly use FSX (with many detailed addons), ArmA 3, GTA V and when released The Witcher 3 (would come with the 980) as well as Elite Dangerous somewhere down the road. I definitely want to get an Oculus Rift or other VR device when they are available.
Idk your budget/income but off of assumptions id say get a 4gb 960/970 and a new monitor before getting a 980. Sit on a 970 until the new series of AMD or the 980Ti comes out.
You have convinced me not to wait. Now, for the cheapest GTX 980 Strix. Would anyone recommend getting the card from ebay as opposed to newegg? I found this seller selling the card for $440 with free shipping, 100% positive feedback. Buying from ebay and the Witcher 3 separately would leave me at $500 total, where as with Newegg it would be $555.99 + $5.99 shipping that includes the Witcher 3. Is the risk of buying a used card worth the savings? Does anyone have experience with that seller?
Your current CPU/ram/mb combo will be fine for some time.
Maybe just wait a little for the price war once the 3xx series is released.
Are you an nVidia shill?! The 970 has been proven time and time again to be unable to use more than 3.5GB of VRAM at any reasonable speed. For all intents and purposes, the 970 is a 3.5GB, 224-bit card with 56 ROPs. The 970 was blatantly falsely advertised. If nVidia had sold it as a 3.5GB+0.5GB cache, 224-bit, 56-ROP card, this would not have been an issue. But instead of being honest, they decided to lie about the specs of their cards and hope nobody would notice.
Any monitor supporting 1080p at 144Hz is a LCD and therefore a horrible piece of shit. Consider upgrading to a CRT. While a good CRT may only be capable of 1920x1200 at 96Hz, its countless other advantages will mean that it is vastly superior to any LCD.