GTX 970 vs R9 290X at same price

I'm selling my 760 sli setup to get a single more performant card. I was going for the 970, but I saw that both 970 and r9 290x from MSI were at the same price in Canada.

I just don't know what to choose. I am fairly aware of all the pros and cons of each card including the power consumption of the 290x, but it's no big deal for me, I just don't know why i'm so confused. Maybe I want to try team red again? It's been a while, since the 4870. 

Oh, and I plan on getting at least a 1440p Korean monitor. No 4k for a while. 

R9 290x or wait for 380x. Atm thanks to nvidia's recent fuck up, its best to avoid the 970 until the dust settles.

Especially with 1440p the 290x will be better.

Yeah I just bought the MSI 290x twin frozr. I could have saved 40$ by buying the 290 but the X at the end is so

With all the news about NVIDIA I just couldnt risk getting a card I could have to return. I personnally do not think their software update could repair a hardware problem. Have anyone achieved good overclocks on the 290x non reference cards?

is would go with the r9 290x. the reference is crap but the custom coolers are pretty great.


Get the MSI Lightning 290x its great, and cheaper than that

In canada the lightning 290x is minimum 500$