I disconnect and reconnect my 970 on a regular basis. Just today I reconnected it and powered on to a black screen. I disconnected it and tried with the motherboard HDMI header, and it worked fine. The white LED on the card is on, which presumably means that it is getting power (it turns red when the 8 pin header is unplugged). I am sure it is seated properly. I tried the pcie port with a wireless card and it worked fine. Unfortunately, I can't test the card on another motherboard, nor can I test the DVI and display port. My motherboard is a MSI Z97 Gaming 7. Thanks.
- double check the power cables
- test in another pcie slot/s
- do the gpu's fan still spin
- physical apperance - any burn marks? bulging of capacitors? deep scratches?
- testing the gpu in another system is your sure fire way to see if there is a fault.
•I tested multiple power cables in multiple psu slots
•Tested multiple pcie slots
•The fans behave like they used to. The spin up initially and then go into the 0 RPM mode
•No visible physical problems
•I don't own any other computer with pcie slots and my only friend with a rig is out of state.
Thank you for your response.
I'm pretty Desperate. I'd really appreciate any input.
Since you're taking it out regularly I have to ask, is it because you put other graphics cards in there? to make this as simple as possible to find out if it's some sort of weird driver issue install and run this
you'll have to run it in safe mode (itll prompt a reboot into safe mode if you aren't already in it)
After that if it was driver related setting your 970 as your primary vga should give you a picture now and if it does great just reinstall your drivers.
It is because I leave my computer on overnight occasionally, doing something that does not require it. When I leave it in it cooks for some reason so I just take it out. Unfortunately, it will not show any video, including the BIOS splash screen, so it is not a driver issue. My fault for not making that clear.
tbh the wear and tear isn't worth 10 cents on your monthly power bill.
have you done SLI recently? make sure it isn't enabled.
wouldn't hurt to give driver re installation a shot anyways it's fairly easy to do.
I haven't done SLI at all, so I don't think that's an issue. Do you mean Windows driver? That probably wouldn't help because it does it on the BIOS screen even when the windows drive is unplugged.
If it cooks it sounds like a driver issue in your motherboard? Or maybe a rail in your PSU is malfunctioning.
DO what @SoulFallen said and reinstall your drivers for the GPU. Also to be safe check for a bios update for your motherboard.
Also what kind of PSU do you have? How many watts? Can you try using the IGPU to see if its not just your monitor that crapped out?
I updated my BIOS not to long ago. I'm using a Corsair RM450, but the card isn't showing any signs of not getting power. I did try using the HDMI port on the mobo and it worked fine. Excuse my ignorance, but do you two mean some type of other drivers that I am not aware of? Because as far as I know, I dont need any to post :p. Thanks for your input.
You wont need any special or new gpu drivers to POST.
- run display off the igpu from the mb
- go into the BIOS and set the display adapter to 'auto' or 'pcie' (if this is a setting you have available)
- plug display into gpu
- boot up
Worst case, test gpu in another machine - if fails then RMA, if works looks to the PSU (test with another unit). If another PSU cant get it display from the GPU then look to the motherboard to being the culprit.
... also check the input source on your monitor is correct as well.