GTX 970 Power Question

I built this PC about 6 months ago, but didn't pick up a graphics card. Now that the GTX 900 series is out, I was considering picking up a GTX 970. One problem, though, is that I am worried I won't have enough power to drive the card.

Here are the specs of my current build:

- Intel i5 4670

- 8GB G-Skill 1600MHz RAM

- MSi B85 PCMate Motherboard

- WD 1TB Caviar Blue

- Crucial 240GB M500

- Some really old WD 160GB IDE HDD with a IDE to SATA adapter

- Cheap SATA Optical Disk Drive (Got it from an old system a friend was throwing out. Don't use it too often)

- EVGA 500B 500W 80+ Bronze

I don't necessarily have the most common setup, with an older drive, I don't know if it draws more power, making the 500W less ideal, so that's why I'm asking here.



I might be wrong (and someone should correct me if I am), but I think that 500 Watts will bejust enough to power this system.  Not really any headroom for much more in there though.

No you'll be totally fine. Your system won't be pulling more than 350W. 

Yes 500W should be fine. The PSU definitely has the two 6-Pin cables for the graphics cards.

It will probably be around 270W at load even if overclocked.

That's what I suspected. Thanks!

Sweet! Thanks for the confirmation!