GTX 970 3 way SLI, is it worth it?

Title says it all, i already have 2 gtx 970 G1 cards and i run 5760x1080 res playing the ussual games at max settings.


CPU: FX 8350 4.4ghz

Ram: 16gb 1600mhz


What do you guys think?

I wouldn't add a third, seems like your maxing everything out already. Why not get a nice peripheral instead?


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why not 32 gbs of ram

its not worth it, because the FX8350 doesnt even max out 2 of those.

Yeah my cards are bottlenecked but a proccessor and mobo upgrade was just down the road depending on next paycheck.  

even a 5960X overclocked to 4.2ghz will not maxout 3 of those cards.

Unless you go highres like 4k.

Plus the scaling past two way SLI is pathetic. Linus did a video comparing it and it is hilariously bad. Really, the only reason for three cards is because it looks bad ass.

So like everyone else said above don't do it. Waste of money. 

If you're chasing synthetic benchmark scores, maybe worth it but that FX chip will be the limiting factor. Plus 3 cards will still only use 4gb of vram. If you're desperate to spend cash ~  new broadwell intel cpu/mb when released.

might as well upgrade your platform.

my vote is to the 5820k, 5930k if you have the dough

No get 2 980's, around the same price and you get better performance because 2 cards SLI'd are better than 3 (scaling performance that is). Move up to the Z97 platform at least if you are going to do that. Maybe settle for 2 970's and a new mobo and cpu if you don't have the dough.

3 970s is not worth it, Im using 3x 4G MSI gaming editions right now, and I wish i just bought 2. Although I have no problem with bottle necking with x99. having an 8350 with 2 970s is kinda silly, but 3 would be insane.