GTX 780ti OCed to from 875Mhz -1245Mhz. no more than 75C

wow just wow thats a huge OC 0.0

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sweet overclock any chance i can buy that off you for £100? :D jk but seriously great oc and hope fully you dont get less performance with new driver updates

thanks man lol and i just have my default drivers from the disk installed lol

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i would install the latest drivers from nvidias website and see how much performance you lose with them that will be very interesting to see

i mean the 780ti is frecken beast. its upthere with new cards. but the drivers now are dumbing down the preformance

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Thank nVidia that you'll need that overclock to beat the GTX 960 when new games roll out of the mighty Gameworks.

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um it beats the gtx 960 70 and 80, and just a bit below a 980 ti

Was a joke. Sorta.

nVidia has been limited performance of their older parts in newer Gameworks titles. In Project Cars for example, a 960 was performing at or the same as 780s and even coming close to 780 Tis.

i just keep the disk drivers lol ive seen no problems. im not downloading any new ones