Gtx 780

Ok guys... I was debating between the 7970 and the 680 but now i hear the 780 will be released in the next month. should I buy the 780 when its released or buy the last generation when the price drops cause of the new release? 

What do you have now?

Either way i'd practice patience and wait for some "OFFICIAL" news about the 7xx's performance

TL;DR (if that's possible) wait 

ninja edit: if your profile is correct i'd defiently keep the 650ti for now.

flip a coin or play drunk twister to come out with an outcome... i don't want to give fanboyish advice

My 650ti isnt bad just want my system to be able to run next generation games at full specs with multi monitor, and the wife gave me the go ahead to spend $500+ on pc upgrades for my birthday that was in April (yes it has taken me this long to decide)  Honestly I think I will just get the 780 and be done with it. 

Sounds like the best option yet. 

Here is a review that uses the latest beta drivers for both and really shows off both cards at peak performance. (well so far) watch?v=li1oj8zp1Qc

and watch?v=3gB9-eIPLzM

** remove the spaces

Here is official news. The 780 just came out yesterday and its freaking amazing, but more expensive. The 780 costs $650 USD and the 680 4gb costs $520 USD, the 680 2gb is $470 USD, and the 7970 is $400-420 USD.

All said, the 780 looks like its worth the money IF you got a large display. If you got a single 1080 monitor, then a 680 is still good.