GTX 780 or r9 290 1440p Gaming


I need help deciding witch card to buy gtx 780 or r9 290. Price difference is around 50€. 

Please explain why you choose one card over the other .

Thanks for answers .

Sry for my bad english. :)

Both are very good options! They will both deliver a satisfactory 1440p experience. I would choose whichever is cheapest. They perform quite similarly. Not enough difference to justify a 50euro price difference.

Well i´m from the Netherlands and in my country the R9-290 is still alot cheaper then a GTX780. since the R9-290 is also the better performing card in most gaming benchmarks that ive saw, then i would choose for the R9-290.

But like Berserker say´s grab which one is the cheapest.

In the Netherlands the Asus R9-290 Direct CUII or the Sapphire R9-290Tri X  are both €389 

GTX780 is €450+ euro's

Grtz Angel ☺

I will be ordering parts from Germany.  R9 290 is around 380€ and gtx 780 is around 430€. 

Tnx Berseker and Mistery for answers . :)

Still not sure witch one to buy :S

R9-290  Sapphire Tri X or Asus direct CUII.

The price diffrence is basicly to much to go for the GTX780. unless you like some of the futures that it has to offer. But the R9-290 is the better performing card overall for less money.

I would personaly vote for the 290. the models i named above.

At 1440p, the 290 and the 780 are literally neck and neck. Unless you have a need for cuda cores or have an interest in Gsync, I would suggest with going with the cheaper option, the 290, The 290 also has Mantle and true audio to offer. From what I have seen, any 290 would be fine between the Sapphire Tri-X, the XFX DD, the Asus DCUII, or the MSI Gaming. Most people suggest the Tri-X instinctively, but Kit Guru was actually able to get the MSI OC Gaming version to higher stable clocks than the Tri-X. In the end, I would just go with whichever one is the cheapest/easiest to get your hands on.

Tnx for answers :)

Are Gygabyte windforce cards good ? 

yeah they are fine. but take a look at the OC version. This comes with a 1040mhz stock clock.

The windforce is by the way not the most quiet version, that is something to keep in mind.

Witch card is most quiet and good for oc ?? 


They are all pretty respectable. If I were to have a AMD card, I would probably pick Sapphire or ASUS.

HardOCP as well as myself are finding the new XFX DD coolers to work very well. I would take a look there. Other than that, whatever is cheap and has decent reviews.

Do note that I have the 280x so there is much less heat to deal with on my card than on a 290.