GTX 770sc vs GTX 780sc?


Just a question about each card, I know that the 780 has a boost of about 15-20% ish in performance over the 770, but is there a solid overclock on the 770 that can be achieved in order to equal that of a 780?

Share your precision x voltages or what have you, just wanna see if anyone has got some good ones.

Also, in your opinion despite the price differences, does a GTX 780 overclocked exceed frame rates on certain games that make it more worth it anyway to just buy the more expensive card?

In summary, is it smarter to go with a 770 in terms of bang for buck ratio due to similar performance (1080P, maxed out) or is it actually worth going the extra $200 or so for a 780?

Peace and love,


I think for 1080p the 770sc would be your best bet. The 780 obviously would be better, but not super duper better, so if I were you what i would do is grab a 4gb Gtx 770sc, and save that extra money money towards the next component upgrade you would like to do. Remember that components age rapidly especially graphics cards so if you have $500 for a gpu now and you only game at 1080p that 770 will be great and the extra ~150 or so dollars can be used against your next gpu upgrade.


On 1080p vanilla skyrim, the 780 achieves an average of 127 fps will the 770 gets 109 on average. Thats 11.67% better. IMHO thats not worth an extra ~$200


OP didnt you have a thread before about swapping your 780ti, or something along those lines...?

Plenty of reviews with oc results of 770's, like this >

Yeah deejeta I did. I actually did send it back and I'm expecting a refund soon for it. I feel bad for sending it back because of how beastly the thing was, but I felt like it was just a bit unnecesary because I honestly had originally planned on doing some 1440p gaming, but that would've been ultimately more expensive for a 1440p monitor and I wasn't too sure that $760 was worth it for a GPU. It was just a lot of money to throw down that I could easily just put towards something else. 

Impulse buys suck sometimes. Thats really cool that you were able to get a refund. You'd be more than happy with a 770 if you do end up getting one. Will be strong for 1080p gaming for quite awhile I reckon, especially if these new drivers are anything to go by.

Hell yeah man, just an fyi I didn't include tho I actually already have a 780 lol I just was merely asking this out of curiosity, I was looking to see what others have gotten for performance on their 770's since I know that the 780 kills 1080p performance. Look like a 770 won't be too impressive on 1440p gameplay though which is another reason as to why I stuck with a 780 for any upgrade purposes.