GTX 770 SLI vs GTX 780 ti

So im sold my pair of 670s for 700 and i have enough to either buy a pair of 770s or a 780 ti. What are your reccomendations

im personaly not a big fan of dual gpu setups, Offcourse if you play games, with a good optimization for it, then it will work awesome. but there are also alot of games, that are not working that great with dual gpu´s, and those games, gonne be a pain in the ass. It also uses more power. But since you owned two 670´s i suppose that you have a powerfull enough psu allready? If you allready worked with SLi then you should no the pro´s and con´s.

I would personaly go with a GTX-780Ti. because i just prefer single highend gpu setups.

Grtz Angel ☺

Don't have experience with dual 770s, but my shiny new Asus DirectCU II 780 Ti kicks a whole bunch of ass.

I would go with the 780ti, I owned 2 GTX 760 and they ran hot and loud. I recently bought a Palit gtx 780 and I am happier than ever with a single card. 

i would vote the 780 Ti. look at SLI/Crossfire benchmarks and you will notice a trend. multi-GPUs rarely scale linearly. so it is not like you will really be getting double the performance of a 770 anyways. (some games it scales good. Far Cry 3 i think it scaled exactly double lol) but look at other gaes. here is just an example.

plus, less power needed, less heat produced, and less noise than 2 cards.

not to mention, the 780 Ti has 3GB of RAM. the 770s will only give you a total of 2GB. (you could get 770s with 4GB, but that would be like $800+)