Gtx 770 OC 4GB 31 FPS on Tomb Raider

Everything on max I got an average of 31 Fps on the benchmark and I looked up other benchmarks and they were getting over 50 for min I have a amd fx 4170 CPU is that my problem?

That cpu is bottlenecking it hard. I'd recommend stepping up to a fx-6300 or 8320 depending on how good of a motherboard you have.

An easy way to test is put a slight overclock on the CPU and see if it jumps up a few frames.

would I be able to get a 8350 with a 750 watt psu 

How do I overclock I have never done it before?

A 750 watt power supply yes but, only some motherboards can handle a 8350. What motherboard do you have?

Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 AM3+ CVDO X16 4D3 M32 GL R MATX Motherboard

Do you get better results with overclocking the CPU?

:Edit: Too slow, what he said ^^^^^. Do a Google search for overclocking your CPU

Dear god DO NOT put a 8350 or 8320 on that motherboard. That board is really not capable of running a Fx-6300 and your stretching it there. Get a better motherboard or grab a Fx-6300 although you will be stretching the boards capability's. Also DO NOT overclock on that motherboard at all. Completely forget about it because that board is no where near being able to overclock safely.

Don't even think about it.

So what motherboard do you recommend

Price range?

no over 225 dollars

he should be fine with a light overclock on his current CPU/mobo

i'm assuming he's running a stock cooler so he won't get very far anyway...but it would at least answer his question

This board and a 8320 should run amazingly

Thanks man but the 8320 or the 8350 what is the difference

The 8320 is just a lower clocked version of the 8350. The performance improvement is minimal but there's nothing wrong with going with either.

Tomb Raider on max settings, with the highest post processing, most demanding types of process is actually quite demanding. Tomb Raider has brought pretty high-end GPUs to their knees.

Try turning down AA, using different types of AA, Ambient occlusion settings, until you get the desired performance. You can leave textures on ultra with anisotropic filtering all the way up.

The FX4130 isn't the best CPU, but you should still attain good performance on ultra.

On ultimate settings TRessFX is on and that pretty hair is killing your FPS, try ultra, or ultimate and turn off the TRessFX setting.

Tombraider 2013, realy eats gpu´s.  i play  it on 1080p on ultimate settings and i get arround 30 fps.  FX8350 and 7870GHZ.

But seems like  the cpu bottlenecks the GPU, you could check the load on you cpu and gpu during gaming, if the cpu is on 100% and the gpu is not, then the cpu bottlenecks it.