GTX 770 2GB Tripple monitor performance

I recently bought two extra 1080p monitors, with the intent to have skype and what not on them whilst I game. Having been told that my 770 couldn't handle anything at 5760x1080 I was happily surprised that I can run any game in my inventory at max setting with no issues at all. Except for bf4 which i run at high. 

So if anybody is running a GTX 770, and contemplating buying more monitors, but wondering about specific games, hit me up and I will be happy to test it for you.  

Have you tried Surround?


indeed, if you game on one monitor, and use the other 2 for diffrent things, then offcourse it works fine, however, if you wanne play surround on all the 3 monitors, then the GTX-770 2GB is not powerfull enough, if you ask me. You will be lacking of vram in the first place. ☺

Might have been bad writing on my part... But I meant that i do use surround, and everything runs fine. As in the game runs on all three monitors.

I remember reading a post on this forum a while back about how 2gig vs 4 gigs of vram is not really a big thing. 2gig cards can run surround no problem. I think wendell is the one who debunked it. He has a gtx 770 with 2 gigs of vram, and runs multimonitors. I also have a 770 with 2 gigs and will probably pick up 2 more 1080p monitors in the future.

Go for it!

Go for it!