GTX 680 vs 7970

I haven't seen any benchmarks with the newest drivers for both and the latest video I saw (A couple months ago), the 680 was beating the 7970 by a good 10%. Has anyone used both? Which is better generally? Price is not an issue but I'm more inclined to get the 7970 since it comes with free games but I could get the 680 and sell the in game credit. 

For the last two months or so, I think a regular 7970 has tied or just pulled ahead of a 680, and a 7970 Ghz Edition is a good 5-10% faster, of course depending on the game. All the games that the 680 used to kinda crush the 7970 at, it still wins at, and vice versa, but a lot of the closer games got a lot closer, and in most of them the 7970 is a bit ahead, and the Ghz Edition is a good chunk ahead. Ghz Edition or not, I think they're both cheaper than a 680 anyway.

I can get both for about the same price of $430 so price is definitely not an issue. However I just want a card that will get minimum 60+ FPS in all games maxed. Except for Crysis 3 since that game eats GPU's.

is PhysX important to you?

My EVGA GTX 680 FTW+ 4GB runs Crysis at 1920x1080p, with everything at maximum settings, including AA (16x), at ~60 to 70 FPS. It feels and looks very smooth. I love the 680, but the 7970gHz is also a fantastic choice.

No not really, it's nothing more than a bit of eye candy. But again, I can get either card for $430. I want to find out which is better in terms of just raw gaming power without the technologies that each have to themselves. For example, which would run games better without PhysX and FXAA which are Nvidia technologies.

680 get's better FPS than a Titan? Impossibru!

the 7970 beats the 680 give or take a bit now, even in quite a few Nvidia optimized games, and they also overclock better and come with free games so to me its a no brainer, that being said either or will get you 60fps in pretty much every title unless you do some rediculous mods or go really high res (where the 7970 would beat the 680)

I originally though that the 7970 was better than the 680 but the benchmarks that I had seen were from the Summer of last year when the drivers weren't as great. I didn't see the date at first so I really thought the 680 destroyed the 7970. Even then the 7970 didn't trail behind much. Thanks for the response!

No problem, Just make sure you get one with a decent aftermarket cooler.

I'm getting an XFX Double D ed. 7970. I would get the black edition but I can just OC the card myself. No point in spending an extra 50 bucks for 100Mhz.