EVGA GeForce GTX 660 3GB FTW or EVGA GeForce GTX 660 3GB FTW Signature 2
Is there a difference between the two, other than the different apperences? LIke does one get better cooling than the other?
EVGA GeForce GTX 660 3GB FTW or EVGA GeForce GTX 660 3GB FTW Signature 2
Is there a difference between the two, other than the different apperences? LIke does one get better cooling than the other?
Honestly spec wise they are the same but the FTWSignature 2 has 2 fans instead of the blower fan
Now if I were to get either one, would it be best to get a 2GB rather than the 3GB(or I should say," do i really need the 3GB") ?
Games like Metro 2033 love extra ram but i think it depends on you monitor size and the resolution you play at i have a 7850 1 gb and a 560 ti 1 gb both seem to play bf3 and cod really well but i only run at 1920x1080 on some games and 1360x768 on others so 1 gb is fine for me even my old 8800gt play skyrim at a good fps with 512 mb so it's really up to you