GTX 560Ti vs 7850 2GB  - GTX 560Ti (reg:239.99$ - sale:129.99$)     - 7850 2GB   (Reg 209$ - Sale 180$) 

Wondering if anybody can give me some input between the 2. Based of the benchmark below, it seems the Radeon is better, but this GTX 560Ti  is marked down quite a bit, and I don't know if after overclocking one beats the other. Thanks in advance for advice



7850. AMD has new beta drivers that kick ass

560ti lost that battle against the 7850 a while ago.

If you said GTX 680 vs 7970 I would tell you to get the 680. But we're talking about last gen. cards.

If you can spare an extra $50 get the 7870 which has 2GB of ram and will do you fine for the next 2 years on high/ultra settings with post processing on medium/high settings. You'll get phenomenal picture for the price. I just bought one last week. No regrets. Overclocking it is a breeze too. 

this isn't bad enough to warrant a meme.... agreed 1st statement, disagree with 2nd, agree 3rd


So you're just toughening me up, or trying to piss on your own territory? Does it upset you that someone actually researches benchmarks performed by professionals and bases his opinion on them, or is it that I'm just not partisan to AMD the way you are?

I thought about that but I don't really want to spend over 200$ for a card right now, maybe next time I upgrade. Based off that benchmark, the 7850 seems like it will run just about anything just fine...and I don't really need to spend an extra 100$ for about a 10-15% increase. That being said I'm pretty sure the benchmark I posted arent overclocked speeds. I might just upgrade a few years down the line, but the only way I think I would step up my GPU is if I was to get the AMD Phenom II X4 956 BE instead of a I5 2500k.

if i'm partisan to amd, then y am I using an i5 in my build?

and have you considered that I have seen benchmarks as well, and also consider new information, such as improved drivers?



then keep the gpu as-is.... the phenom would bottleneck pretty fast...



Drivers are great for AMD. I have a 7870 and the beta drivers definitively raised my FPS. Drivers come and go. Drivers have and will continue to be improved by both AMD and Nvidia.


I just don't think basing a purchase on who is ahead in the never-ending marathon that is driver releases--is going to be a sound logical decision. 


Both companies will realise much of the potential in their newer series of GPUs with drivers. My concern is which cards have most potental/the best specs, and which cards will perform when almost all their memory is being used. So near-future performance is more important than present performance if not equal. 


As far as specs go

For instance the 660ti looks like a great card, but try putting it up against the 7870 in 2 years when games demand more GDDR5 memory to load textures? That 192bit bus speed don't look so good for the 660ti. The 7870 is the definitive winner here when tapping into that last 500MB of memory. 


But don't let me make a sound argument based on the reality of hardware limitations in the future. No. Let's talk about who has the best drivers TODAY.

you have a point, we should be reccomending for the future, but you said it yourself, future games are going to tap into more memory, and AMD 7950 and 7970's have a gig of vidram more than the nvidia cards, so yu keep reccomending them?